Caring Chronicles

A New Generation Continuing A Family Legacy

Jun 26, 2016 12:00:00 AM / by Natalie Scarantino

Following closely in the footsteps of her parents, Morgan DeNicola prepares to usher a second group of students to Humpty Dumpty Institute’s (HDI) United Nation’s Boot Camp on June 26 through July 2 2016. As daughter to Philadelphia based serial entrepreneurs, Cosmo and Janet DeNicola, Morgan strives to continue her family’s legacy which includes humanitarian and other charitable works.

“I’ve participated in the UN Boot Camp before and absolutely loved every second of it,” explained DeNicola. “It has opened my eyes to see the world in a different way that can be brought together through diplomacy and shared purpose.”

The Humpty Dumpty Institute’s “United Nations Boot Camp” is considered to be one of the best UN study programs in the world. Now in its third year, the annual program has attracted young minds from all over the world. At the end of the intense week of study and reflection, participants walk away with deeper understanding of the world and with new lifelong friends.

“The boot camp gave me the opportunity to meet, study with and interact with students from all over the world most of whom I’ve stayed in touch with since it ended,” stated DeNicola. “I hope that other students are just as eager to participate in this unique program.”

Past Boot Camp participants came from Brazil, Ethiopia, Australia, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Sudan, Italy, and the United States. Participants attend briefings at UN Headquarters, the United States Mission to the UN, and several leading non-governmental organizations in New York. They also spend two days of the program in Washington, DC, where they get to meet with key decision-makers and other senior officials from the Department of State, Congressional Staff, the United Nations Information Center and representatives of various, non-governmental organizations, and think tanks which interact with the UN system.

Tags: The UN

Natalie Scarantino

Written by Natalie Scarantino

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