Caring Chronicles

Cosmo DeNicola Addresses Students and Presents Scholarships

Mar 8, 2019 10:05:00 AM / by Natalie Scarantino

Parishioners from Saint John Vianney Parish in Gladwyne (Montgomery County) presented eight scholarships to current eighth grade students from several parish, regional, and Independence Mission Schools in the City of Philadelphia to attend any Archdiocesan High School for all four years. This presentation is part of the Saint John Vianney Scholars Program.

During the presentation, Mr. Michael Greenly, Chairman of the Saint John Vianney Scholars Board addressed students in grades 4-8 to speak about the scholarship program and the opportunity for children to win the award in the future. Cosmo DeNicola, Saint John Vianney Scholars Board member, was also present to honor the scholars and address the students at St Monica’s School in South Philadelphia.  The content of Cosmo’s talk centered around being a Champion and the view that anything is possible. He delivered an inspiring positive message.

“I am so excited to revisit the families and recognize the academic achievements of the students at St Monica’s. They clearly relate to my inner-city upbringing and community experience,” stated Cosmo DeNicola. Morgan DeNicola (CDC Program Manager) also participated and explained of her family of companies three Passions; World Health, Cultural Diplomacy and Humanitarian recognition.

The 2019 scholars come from the following Catholic elementary schools in the city of Philadelphia: Our Lady of Port Richmond; Immaculate Heart of Mary; Holy Innocents Area Catholic Elementary School; Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic School; Saint Monica; St. George School, and Our Mother of Consolation. Since its official launch in 2012, the program has recognized 52 students with scholarships.

The mission of the Saint John Vianney Scholars Program is to provide financial and academic support to children who are currently attending a Philadelphia parish school and qualify to sit for the Saint John Neumann exam.

Tags: Local Giving

Natalie Scarantino

Written by Natalie Scarantino

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