The DeNicola Family Foundation donated turkeys & all the trimmings to God Feeds in Norristown. On Thanksgiving Day God Feeds provided Thanksgiving dinner to all the people in need in the area.
Free Thanksgiving Meals
Nov 29, 2024 12:00:00 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler posted in Thanksgiving, God Feeds Ministry
Cosmo Cares Helps Feed a Local Ministry
May 26, 2023 10:58:12 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler posted in Cosmo Cares, God Feeds Ministry, Food Desert
The Cosmo Cares team donated $800 of restaurant supplies; to-go containers, rice, beans, and smoothie bottles to God Feeds Ministry located in Norristown, PA. God Feeds Ministry focuses on feeding and clothing the homeless, helping single mothers and their children and all the families in need in our area. Every Saturday they give out healthy food and smoothies. Their mission is to transform and improve the quality of life worldwide, one fruit and vegetable at a time. Every dollar donated goes towards feeding people in need healthy, flavorful food.