Caring Chronicles

Cosmo Cares & Operation Warm Come Together to Gift Brand-New Shoes to Philadelphia Children in Need

Jul 19, 2021 4:24:36 PM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler posted in Cosmo Cares, kindness, summer kicks, operation warm, shoes for children


Fort Washington, PA - The Cosmo Cares Team joined forces with Operation Warm for their Summer Kicks Program. Cosmo Cares donated close to 300 pairs of brand new sneakers to the children of the JEVS Human Services community in Philadelphia. The Ertz Family Foundation, the 26th Police District, the Public Library, the School District of Philadelphia, Forman Mills and Dunkin' Donuts all came out to the event. It was such a special day to be apart of. 

“We are thrilled to partner with Operation Warm to make an impact on our community – especially this year when more families than ever are in need,” said Cosmo DeNicola, entrepreneur and founder of Cosmo Cares and the Cosmo DeNicola Companies. “We believe caring is an action, not an emotion – even a small thing like a pair of shoes can make a difference.”

Operation Warm is a national nonprofit that provides warmth, confidence, and hope through basic need programs that connect underserved children to community resources they need to thrive.  Over the last 22 years, Operation Warm and our partners have used brand-new coats and shoes as a bridge for families in need to access everything from flu shots to new books.

To make a lasting impact on the lives of children, visit 

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