Chicken Soup for the Soul: Laughter is the Best Medicine for These Times

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Laughter is the Best Medicine for These Times

Jun 10, 2020 11:30:31 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

A New Chicken Soup for the Soul Collection Provides a Hilarious Alternative to the News

COS COB, Conn. – Chicken Soup for the Soul’s first-ever collection of humorous stories has landed, and readers will find that laughter is indeed the best medicine. The iconic publisher has published thousands of funny stories over its twenty-seven year history, but has never before devoted an entire volume to funny stories.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Laughter Is the Best Medicine, promises 101 feel-good stories, all true stories told by the people who lived through these embarrassing, hilarious, and truly human experiences.

Editor-in-chief and publisher Amy Newmark says, “I must have sounded like a crazy person cackling away in my office while I was selecting and then editing these stories. Even on the third pass through them I was laughing.” She continues, “If laughter is the best medicine, then this book is your prescription. Turn off the news and spend a few days not following current events. Instead, return to the basics—humanity’s ability to laugh at itself.”

Everyone’s heard of a juice cleanse, a technology cleanse, a social media cleanse. Well, Chicken Soup for the Soul recommends that you do a “news cleanse” for a few days. “Hide under the covers and read these stories instead. Or read a chapter a day, or one story a day for 101 days. Whatever works for you,” says Newmark. “All I can promise is that these pages contain the antidote to whatever is troubling you. They will definitely put you in a good mood.”

No one is safe from the storytellers in this new collection—from their spouses, to parents, to children, to other relatives, to friends and colleagues. And of course, the funniest of all are the stories the writers tell about their own mishaps. You’ll read about domestic disasters, the most embarrassing moments people have ever had, social gaffes, misunderstandings based on language, the things kids say at church… a huge variety of stories and situations that will make you laugh out loud. It’s good (mostly) clean fun, and it will bring back your own memories of your favorite stories, those that became legendary among family and friends.

You would normally think of Chicken Soup for the Soul as the place you turn to for advice—on positive thinking, forgiveness, gratitude, self-esteem, raising kids, caring for the elderly, and other challenges. But this book is just plain fun, a welcome diversion in 2020.



Chicken Soup for the Soul publishes the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. With well over 100 million books sold to date in the U.S. and Canada, more than 250 titles, and translations into more than 40 languages, the phrase “chicken soup for the soul” is known worldwide and is regularly referenced in pop culture. Today, 27 years after it first began sharing happiness, inspiration and hope through its books, this socially conscious company continues to publish a new title a month. It has also evolved beyond the bookstore, with a podcast, education programs, dog and cat food, licensed products, and video, television and movies through its subsidiary, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment.



Tags: Publising, Chicken Soup for the Soul, COVID-19, Books, Entertainment, Caring, Giving

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