Caring Chronicles

Cosmo DeNicola Visits Hopeworks ‘N Camden

Jan 16, 2017 9:18:00 AM / by Natalie Scarantino

Fort Washington, PA- Cosmo DeNicola had the honor of speaking at the Hopeworks ‘N Camden Youth Development Center. Hopeworks is a youth outreach program that uses education, technology and entrepreneurship to help Camden’s youth learn everyday skills that will help them with their future endeavors. Hopeworks partners with local businesses, and has helped organizations including JEVS Human Services and CPAC.

“It was inspiring to be in the company of so many talented young people who are striving to achieve and overcome many challenges,” stated Cosmo DeNicola. “Hopeworks makes dreams come true.”

The conference room Chew and Chat gave Cosmo an opportunity to tell his story, relate it to attendees and answer their questions. Cosmo is a proud supporter of Hopeworks ‘N Camden, who runs on donations and businesses who are open to providing resources and positions to the youth.

For more information on Hopeworks ‘N Camden, or to see how you can help out, please visit:

Tags: Local Giving

Natalie Scarantino

Written by Natalie Scarantino

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