Caring Chronicles

DeNicola Foundation “Gets on the Bus”

Apr 11, 2024 8:50:01 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

Get on the Bus is a Program that provides free transportation to children to visit a parent who is incarcerated in California State Prisons. This year we partnered with California Artist, Melanie Kirschner Oomen to give the children and their parents an incredible painting experience to bring the families close together.


“Every child deserves to see their parents. No matter what happens they still love their Mom & Dad,” stated DeNicola Family Foundation Chairman Cosmo DeNicola.


Many children haven’t seen their parents in years (due to cost of travel) so sitting beside their parents creating Art brought beautiful smiles while canvases come alive with hopeful drawings.


Melanie gives up so much time and resources to use art to comfort the sick and displaced families,” stated Natalie Sadler, DeNicola Family Foundation Program Director.



Tags: DeNicola Family Foundation, Art, Get on the Bus

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