Caring Chronicles

DeNicola Website & Social Media Relaunched

May 2, 2024 4:58:26 PM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

The Cosmo DeNicola Companies website has been updated in a more visitor friendly format. The most significant change has been the merger and consolidation of the Cosmo Cares and “Caring” brands into the DeNicola Family Foundation. You can now find the foundation at .

“Previous sites differentiated between local and global initiatives. Our feeling is that they all are caring and sharing without regard to geography,” stated DeNicola Family Foundation Executive Director, Morgan DeNicola.

Our social media profiles have been updated as well. We started an initiative to spread the word and invite people to follow and befriend us. We have become much more accessible to our followers.

“Today, people are oriented to stay connected via social media. We’re going to increase our posts and relevance to better engage the public. We wanted to merge, refresh, and update our appearance” states Natalie Scarantino Sadler, Program Director.


Tags: Website, DeNicola Family Foundation, Social Media

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