Caring Chronicles

Giving Day

May 1, 2023 10:50:55 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

One Day One Purpose


An Additional thank you to the DeNicola Family Foundation for participating in Jefferson’s Giving Day on April 20, 2023; our annual 24-hour fundraising event celebrating the generosity and philanthropic impact of the Jefferson community.


The DeNicola Family Foundation led by example in allowing us to leverage their generosity to inspire additional donors to support our mission. By serving as a challenge benefactor, they helped build a culture of philanthropy and increased awareness of Jefferson’s work in the Jane and Leonard Korman Respiratory Institute.


We are happy to report that Jefferson’s Giving Day resulted in over 2,500 charitable gifts, totaling nearly $675,000. This would not be possible without the generosity and community spirit of organizations such as the DeNicola Family Foundation.

Tags: Cosmo Cares, Philadelphia, Jefferson Health, Jefferson Hospital, DeNicola Family Foundation, Giving Day

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