Caring Chronicles

HDI Celebrates Black History Month with U.S. Embassy Bahrain

Mar 15, 2022 9:49:09 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

New York, NY - In celebration of Black History Month, HDI Cultural Envoy Maya Azucena presented a lecture and performed virtually for U.S. Embassy Bahrain February 14, 2022.  Maya discussed her career and how it is important for young people to follow their passions. Maya highlighted the immeasurable contributions which African-Americans make to the United States.

Maya Azucena is an American award-winning recording artist and humanitarian. Her shows are high-energy experiences fusing multiple genres, from Rock and Pop, to Funk, Jazz, and HipHop. Maya has performed all over the world for the U.S. Department of State and has worked with HDI on programs for Norway, Denmark, Haiti, and Bahrain.

HDI is committed to highlighting U.S. culture as a method of promoting dialogue worldwide. We have worked with more than 70 U.S. Embassies and Consulates to bring American culture to countries worldwide.


Tags: hdi, black history month

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