Caring Chronicles

HDI Celebrates International Women’s Day – New Film Cabrini Co-produced by Board Director Cosmo DeNicola Released

Mar 8, 2024 9:05:00 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

New York, NY- The Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI) works around the world to inform and foster dialogue amongst critical stakeholders on key global issues. We do this through our programs with the U.S. Congress and the United Nations, engaging young people, supporting cultural diplomacy, and working on humanitarian programs.  One of HDI’s main vehicles in fostering dialogue is film.

On March 8, International Women’s Day, Cabrini, a film co-produced by Board Member Cosmo DeNicola and Mrs. Janet DeNicola, was released internationally. Carbini details the life of Catholic missionary Frances Xavier Cabrini as she encounters resistance to her humanitarian efforts at the turn of the 20th century in New York City.  Mother Cabrini founded the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1880 and came to New York City in 1889 to work among the Italian immigrant community. She and the Sisters, in her newly founded order, provided educational classes to the immigrants and cared for orphans facing racism, sexism, and institutionalized poverty every step of the way. Mother Cabrini became an American entrepreneur, raising funds and creating a business model by which she developed institutions that provided long-term health care and education for the Italian immigrant community. In 1946, Frances Xavier Cabrini was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as the first American saint.

HDI wants to thank the DeNicola family for its commitment to furthering HDI’s mission of creating vehicles to foster dialogue. In addition to being a member of HDI’s Board of Directors, Cosmo DeNicola is a Trustee of the Papal Foundation, a development and humanitarian operation directly under the oversight of His Holiness Pope Francis.

Tags: hdi, Cabrini, CabriniFilm, Angel Studios

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