Caring Chronicles

Papal Foundation Grant Giving

Jul 8, 2024 4:02:23 PM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

The 2024 Papal Foundation Grants are a propound reflection of generosity. They are the result of the collaborative work of the Vatican Secretariat of State Office and the Foundation’s Grants Committee and Mission Fund Committee.


In 2024 there were 118 general grants recommended by the Grants Committee and later approved by the Foundation’s Boards of Trustees. These grants represent projects support totaling $9.9M in 62 countries around the world. Also included are the 32 grants that have been approved by the Mission Fund Committee totaling over $9 million in 20 countries around the world.


In close cooperation with the Holy See, the Papal Foundation delivers funds to care for the elderly, educate the young, strengthen families, feed the hungry, provide formation for future servants of the Lord, and build the Church.


With a commitment of $14.9 million in 2024, the Foundation’s total grants and scholarships now have reached over $230 million to more than 2,600 projects. We offer daily prayers of thanksgiving for the faithful stewardship of all who have participated in this effort since our founding in 1989.

Tags: Papal Foundation, Grant Giving

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