Caring Chronicles

Technology Gifts Spread Holiday Cheer for Local Refugee Children

Dec 22, 2017 5:09:00 PM / by Natalie Scarantino

Cosmo DeNicola Companies took part in spreading holiday cheer on Thursday, when they donated bean bag chairs, blankets and Samsung Tablets to the Romero House, part of the St. Joseph & St. Vincent Homes for children. 

St. Vincent homes has been caring for children for over 100 years, and takes pride in caring for and assisting the least, the lost and the last to have hope, to achieve their dreams of a better life. In 1888 Father Eugene McElhone established St. Joseph’s House for Homeless Industrious Boys, often gathering in young boys living on the streets, surviving on the pennies they earned hawking newspapers.

The Blessed Oscar Romero House, which was opened in May 2016, serves youth who have fled their countries of origin due to war, ethnic or religious persecution, human trafficking, and other hardships. Current residents originate from Central America and Central Africa. Among the languages spoken by the residents are Spanish, French, Swahili, and other Congolese dialects.  All of the boys have been granted legal status because they have no families to be returned to, or the situation in their home country is too dangerous for them to be sent back.

“I have been driving by St. Vincent's Home for 40 years, and never really understood what it represented. I am so proud that we took the time to learn and engage with their great work,” stated Cosmo DeNicola.

Tags: Local Giving

Natalie Scarantino

Written by Natalie Scarantino

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