Caring Chronicles

Story Time with the DeNicola Family Foundation

Sep 1, 2022 8:35:01 AM / by Natalie Scarantino Sadler

The DeNicola Family Foundation teamed up with children’s author John Butler for a story time at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries with his latest book “Chase and the Case of the Missing Jersey”. John Butler, known as Cousin John, is a sports journalist and educator who has turned his passion for writing into a series of children’s books. The Chase Books are filled with adventure and feature African American characters that teach children valuable life lessons.  


John’s mission is to introduce young readers to the world of literacy and give them stories and characters they can relate to. On behalf of the DeNicola Family Foundation each child received a signed book to take home. You can purchase Cousin John’s books from his website or on Amazon.


“Nothing puts a smile on a child’s face like a great story time stated John Butler, Author of Chase Books. Thank you, DeNicola Family Foundation, for making today’s story time possible.


“What a great experience to team up with Cousin John and Mercy Neighborhood Ministries to bring story time to life” stated Morgan DeNicola, Executive Director of DeNicola Family Foundation.

Tags: DeNicola Family Foundation, Children's Books, Chase Books

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